PE/LS Business Entity

The practice of professional engineering and land surveying in Georgia may be carried out by a firm, corporation, professional corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company, or other entity which is organized or domesticated in Georgia, provided that one or more of the principals, officers, members or partners of the entity and all its personnel who act in its behalf are registered professional engineers or land surveyors. These requirements apply as well to branch offices of foreign firms (jurisdictions other than Georgia) which operate in Georgia.

All entities who practice or offer to practice professional engineering or land surveying in this State must file an application with the board and receive a Certificate of Authorization prior to practicing. Please refer to O.C.G.A. 43-15-23 for engineering entities and O.C.G.A. 43-15-23.1 for surveying entities. This application process should not be confused with the additional requirement for out-of-state corporations to obtain a Certificate of Authority from the Secretary of State's Corporation Division. An application may be downloaded from its site or obtained by mail by calling (404) 656-2817.

All Certificates of Authorization obtained from the Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors expire on June 30 of even-numbered years unless renewed. Certificate of Authorizations renewal forms for both PE and LS firms may be downloaded on this website.

A listing of all active and inactive corporations and registered corporation agents may be found at the Secretary of State's corporations division site.

Questions relating to obtaining a business license should be directed to the Secretary of State's corporations division, telephone number 404-656-2817, or you may access its landing page directly.