Intent to Scan Election Ballots Early
Intent to Scan Early
Below are the counties that have issued notice of their intent to begin to scan already returned absentee ballots before Election Day. The linked report for each election listed includes the county name, times and places where the scanning will be done.
Early Scanning
Absentee-ballot scanning is done in public where anyone can watch. However, laws protecting voter privacy mean viewers are not allowed to see the identities of voters or the information used in verification.
July 13, 2021 Special Election Runoff
June 15, 2021 Special Election
March 16, 2021 Special Election
February 9, 2021 Early Processing Scanning and Adjudication
January 5, 2021 Runoff Election
November 3, 2020 General Election
August 11, 2020 Runoff Processing and Early Scanning Information (a zipped XLS file)
June 9, 2020 Early Processing and Early Scanning Information (a zipped XLS file)
July 14, 2015 Runoff for June 16, 2015 Special Election