Risk Limiting Audit Confirms Supreme Court Contest

June 5th, 2024

Atlanta – The Risk Limiting Audit confirmed the outcome of the Supreme Court contest between John Barrow and Andrew Pinson.

Since last Thursday, all 159 Georgia counties participated in a statewide post-election audit of ballots cast in the May 21, 2024 General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election. The audited contest was the Supreme Court contest between John Barrow and Andrew Pinson, the highest-ranking contested statewide contest on the ballot.

As part of the audit, every Georgia county was required to count randomly selected ballots totaling 360 batches from across the state, or 6.9% of ballots overall. The risk limiting audit was conducted with a 5% risk limit.

Below is a comparison of the vote totals of each candidate for the batches that were audited.

comparison of the vote totals of each candidate for the batches that were audited

This small amount of difference is well within the expected margin of error for an audit of this size, and is attributed to human error during the hand counting process.

CLICK HERE for a report with audit summary data.

CLICK HERE for a zip file with all of the ballot manifests and machine batch tallies. This includes all batches statewide, including those that were audited. You can confirm that these were the same batch tallies that we started the audit with by performing a SHA256 hash of the file and matching it to the tweet from Gabriel Sterling (@GabrielSterling) from 05/29/2024 at 9:27PM Eastern Time.


Georgia is recognized as a national leader in elections. It was the first state in the country to implement the trifecta of automatic voter registration, at least 17 days of early voting (which has been called the “gold standard”), and no-excuse absentee voting. Georgia continues to set records for voter turnout and election participation, seeing the largest increase in average turnout of any other state in the 2018 midterm election and record turnout in 2020, and 2022. 2022 achieved the largest single day of in-person early voting turnout in Georgia midterm history utilizing Georgia’s secure, paper ballot voting system. Most recently, Georgia ranked #1 for Election Integrity by the Heritage Foundation, a top ranking for Voter Accessibility by the Center for Election Innovation & Research and tied for number one in Election Administration by the Bipartisan Policy Center.