Public records include documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, computer based or generated information, data, data fields, or similar material prepared and maintained or received by an agency.
No public official or personnel is required to prepare reports, summaries, or compilations not in existence at the time of an open records request. There are some exceptions to the release of certain records, such as insurance and medical information for personnel, or records that are included as part of an active or pending investigation. Information, such as social security numbers, credit card information, and bank account information, will be redacted from public records prior to disclosure.
Under Georgia law an agency may impose a reasonable charge for the search, redaction, and production or copying cost of records responsive to an open records request. The time expenditure cost will be calculated by using the hourly salary of the lowest paid employee qualified to conduct the research of an open records request, with no charge for the first quarter hour of employee time expended. Each photocopy will be 10 cents per page. Other fees may apply for different types of media and formats, mailing costs, certified copies, or other reasonable administrative costs. In some instances, the requestor's agreement to pay costs or prepayment of costs may be required prior to the agency's search, retrieval, review or production of the requested records. Payments may be made by check or money order payable to the "Georgia Secretary of State" with "Open Records Request" in the memo line. Please mail to the attention of the "Open Records Officer."
All open records requests will be processed within three business days of receipt of request. If the records exist, but are not immediately available, the Open Records Officer's response will include a description of the records and a timetable for their release.
All open records requests must be sent to the Open Records Officer. In order to submit an open records request you can email the request to the Open Records Officer at [email protected], OR mail the request to the Open Records Officer at the address listed below. Questions regarding open records requests should be directed to the Open Records Officer.