How to Guide: Online Services
About Online Services
The Secretary of State is proud to welcome your business in the state of Georgia. In our continuing work of making the process of filing with us more secure, simple for you and to help you save money, we offer many online services that will save you the $10 paper filing service charge.
There are many filings you can complete online, and the documents are electronically generated for you simply by entering information in the designated sections. Filers who have already prepared documents in advance also have an option to utilize the submit paper filing online feature to upload their self-drafted documents. We make it simple and easy for everyone to file.
Create An Account
To use the online services, you need to create an account at
To use the online services, you need to create an account at
- If you currently have a Customer Login, enter your User ID and Password in the required fields.
- Don’t worry if you have forgotten your User ID or Password. Click on the Forgot buttons for assistance.
To use the online services, you need to create an account.
- Navigate to our secure site at
- From the home page, select the button titled Online Services.
- After clicking on the green Create a User Account button, the Provide Your Information page will display.
- Enter the information in the required fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Middle Name and Suffix (not required)
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Country
- Zip Code
- Email Address and Confirm Email Address (must match)
- Enter your Desired ID.
- Your User ID can only have letters and/or numbers and must be between 8-32 characters.
- If your Desired ID is available, your User ID will display in green and alert you that your choice is available.
- If your Desired User ID is not available, a message will display to alert you that your choice is not available and ask you to choose a different User ID.
- Enter what you want your password to be.
- Re-enter the same password in the second field for confirmation.
- Select a Security Question from the choices in the drop down. Enter your answer to this Security Question in the Your Answer field.
- The Security Question is used when you forget your Password or User ID and are requesting it. Make sure you select a question for which you will always remember the answer.
- If you think you will not remember any of these or do not really like them, you can select the Others option in the dropdown and create your own Question.
You will receive the Congratulations screen that displays your User ID and Email Address.
You will also receive a email letting you know you have successfully registered and created an account.
Once you have logged into your account, across the top of the page you will see a Dashboard tab.
Click on the Dashboard tab. Your Dashboard will display:
- Notices
- Receipts
- Correspondence
- Rejections
- Pending Filings
Online Services Features
We offer online services for submitting filings, ordering certified copies and certificates of existence for entities, subscribing for E-Notification email alerts, and more.
File for a new business entity or register your already existing foreign business. Documents are electronically generated based on your inputs and does not require any self-drafted documents to be uploaded.
- Login to Online Services via:
- Select the option to “Create or Register a Business”
- Next, on the Business Formation screen, in the Create Business section, select the type of business you are creating- a new domestic business or a foreign- non-Georgia business.
- Once a radio button is selected, the Business type drop down displays. Click the arrow button and scroll down to select one from the dropdown. After the business type is selected, follow the system prompts to enter the required information for that business type and proceed with submitting your filing and payment.
There are many other filings you can complete online, and the online system will electronically generate the documents for you based on your inputs and does not require any self-drafted documents to be uploaded:
- Name Reservation
- Business Amendment-Name Change Only
- Reinstate an Entity
- Reactivate LP or LLP
- NAICS Code Update
- File Annual Registration
- One Click Annual Registration (No Changes)
- Bulk One Click Annual Registration (No Changes)
- Amended Annual Registration
- Notice of Intent to Dissolve
- Voluntary Dissolution
- Winding Up
- Termination
- Cancellation
- Withdrawal
- Registered Agent Resignation
- Registered Office Address Change
All correspondence and receipts will be emailed and display on your Dashboard once your filing is submitted.
Other services available under Online Services include ordering certified copies and certificates of existence for entities, and subscribing for email alerts of entity updates through our E-Notifications system.
- Certificate of Existence
- Certified Copies
- E-Notifications
In addition to the above business entity filings, users may also submit filings related to cable/video franchises, substituted service of process, and trademarks and service marks through Online Services.
- Cable/Video Franchise
- Service of Process
- Trademarks/Service Marks
If you have your documents already drafted in advance and want to submit the documents online, you may file using the Submit Paper Filing Online feature. Documents filed using this option should be drafted in accordance with the statutes found in Title 14 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.)
Navigate to your home screen of Online Services page and click the Submit Paper Filings Online button.
The Submit Paper Filings page will display.
From the dropdown select the Type of Filing you are submitting. Your choices are:
- Amendment
- Articles of Restatement/Restated Articles
- Domestic Business Formation– Limited Liability Company
- Domestic Business Formation– Limited Liability Limited Partnership
- Domestic Business Formation– Limited Partnership
- Domestic Business Formation– Nonprofit Corporation
- Domestic Business Formation– Profit Corporation
- Domestic Business Formation– Professional Corporation
- Domestic Business Formation– Benefit Corporation
- Notice of Intent to Dissolve
- Voluntary Dissolution/Articles of Dissolution
- Winding Up
- Termination
- Cancellation
- Registered Agent Resignation
- Preclearance
- Merger
- Conversion
Complete the required fields for the type of filing you are submitting and upload the required documents in the designated section(s).
Review and submit payment.
All correspondence and receipts will be emailed and display on your Dashboard.
Business Search Feature
The business search tool allows you search for business entities, service of process, and trademarks filed with our office.
From the Business Search tab you can Search for a business by:
- Business Name
- Control Number
- Registered Agent Name
- Officer Name
From the Service of Process Search tab you can search by:
- Defendant Name
- Plaintiff Name
- Civil Action
- Number or Control Number
From the Trademark Search tab you can search by:
- Registration Number
- Mark Name
- Registrant Name
- Class of Goods
- Class of Services
- Identification of Goods
- Identification of Services
- Mark Description
Online Services User Guide (PDF)
Filing Fees and Expedited Processes
Please refer to the Filing Fees and Expedited Processing of Document Filings page for more information.
2 MLK Jr. Drive
Suite 313, Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-1530
Service Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm
Related Resources
- Web Page First Stop Business Information Center
- Online Resource Online Services User Guide.pdf
Contact the Corporations Division
2 MLK Jr. Drive
Suite 313, Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-1530
Service Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm