About The Charities Division
About The Charities Division
Fundraising activities are regulated by state law. The Georgia Charitable Solicitations Act of 1988 as amended (“Charitable Solicitations Act”) governs the registration, reporting, and enforcement of fundraising activities within the State of Georgia. The duty of the Division is to enforce the laws regulating charitable organizations, paid solicitors, and solicitor agents, and to ensure proper administration of funds dedicated to charitable purposes.
This site contains important information for persons registering with the Secretary of State as a charitable organization, paid solicitor, or solicitor agent. Each tab (above) has information regarding the requirements, procedures, and forms for initial registration as well as registration renewal, reinstatement, amendment, and withdrawal.
This site also provides information to the public by issuing fraud alerts and furnishing information on wise charitable giving practices to empower you to avoid fraudulent charitable organizations and solicitors.
Please visit our FAQ page for additional information releases and instructions to obtain a copy of the Charitable Organization permit. To file a complaint against a charity or solicitor, follow the link to the right labeled “Submit a Complaint.”
Stopping Fraudulent Activities
The Charities Division is committed to stopping fraudulent veterans charities and promoting legitimate ones. Check out our Charity Giving Tips and Red Flags page for more information on how to be aware of and avoid scams.
Operation Donate With Honor is a federal-state education and enforcement initiative to combat fraudulent and deceptive charitable solicitations claiming to help veterans and military.