Instructions and Information About Your Charitable Organization

How to Apply 

  • Complete your specific application, get it signed and notarized, and pay the required fee.
  • See specific instructions for each application type.
  • Submit all the required documentation and fees.
  • Applications should be submitted online.

Select your application type to view instructions on how to apply:

Start A Charity

Charitable Organization Registration

Charitable Organization Renewal

Charitable Organization Expiration / Reinstatement

Charitable Organization Withdrawal

Charitable Organization Amendments


Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date 

  • Be sure the email address you include for yourself on your application is correct and up to date. Email is the primary means of communication for the Division.   
  • Additionally, it is important for applicants/licensees to update their email address with the Division just as they would update their physical and mailing addresses. 









No Fee


No Fee

Start A Charity

Whether or not your organization is formed under the laws of the State of Georgia, it must be registered to conduct business in the State.

Charitable Organization Registration

Charitable organizations that solicit funds in or from Georgia must register with the Secretary of State unless they are exempt from registration as set forth in the Charitable Solicitations Act.

Charitable Organization Renewal

A charitable organization registration is valid for a period of twenty-four (24) months from its effective date and must be renewed on or before its expiration date.

Charitable Organization Expiration / Reinstatement

A charitable organization may reinstate its registration if it has expired or lapsed, or has been withdrawn.

Charitable Organization Withdrawal

An organization must file a Withdrawal Form in order to withdraw its registration as a charitable organization.

Charitable Organization Amendments

A charitable organization must keep its registration current with the Secretary of State.

How To File

File Online

  1. Using our secure online filing platform GASeamlessGov, fill out your contact information and upload your completed application. 

  1. You will be prompted to pay the fee. This platform only accepts VISA and MASTERCARD. 

File by Mail

Alternatively, you can file by mail. 

  1. Complete the application. 

  1. Make check or money order payable to “Georgia Secretary of State.” 

  1. Enclose document and payment in envelope and mail to: Charities Division Office of the Georgia Secretary of State 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE Suite 317 West Tower Atlanta, GA 30334 

  1. Please be aware that documents sent via US Postal Services and courier services may have delays in processing. For quicker processing, our filers are encouraged to use GASeamlessGov online platform to submit filings.



2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE
Suite 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Group 20

Related Resources

Contact the Charities Division


2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE
Suite 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334