Limited Service Specialty Contractors Policy Statements
Limited Service Specialty Contractors
Under O.C.G.A. § 43-41-17, specialty contractors who offer or contract to perform or undertake or perform for an owner limited, specialty, or specific trade contractor work do not have to hold a license as a residential or general contractor if they are performing work within their specialty. However, nothing in Chapter 41 shall permit a specialty contractor to perform work that falls within the licensing requirements of Chapter 14 of Title 43 where such specialty contractor is not duly licensed under such chapter to perform such work.
The State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors has been directed by January 1, 2008, to identify specialty categories and scopes of work, allowing those specialties to contract directly with an owner without being a licensed residential or general contractor.
Anyone who is included on this list who is working for a licensed residential or general contractor under a valid permit is exempted from having to hold a residential and general contractor license of his or her own. However, such individual must ensure that he or she complies with any legal requirements (such as those found in Chapter 14 of Title 43) for his or her specialty trade.
The State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors recognizes that limited service contractors can coordinate multiple specialty trades within the scopes of work listed below.
Traditional specialty contractors will not be required to carry a residential and general contractor license but will be required to comply with all applicable national, state, and local codes and ordinances.
The following list is under development and subject to change. If upon review, you believe an additional category of work falls within your scope of work please submit comments or considerations in writing to: State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors 237 Coliseum Dr. Macon, Georgia 31217-3858
Policy Statements
Revised 01/31/12
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Above Ground Storage Tanks/Silos Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Bolted steel tanks, comprised of prefabricated components shipped directly to the job site by the manufacturer
- Tanks are erected on site by ring and slave method, starting with a base ring and bolting each sheet to the slave and panel next to it, continuing around the base until the first ring is complete. The process continues upward.
- Dimensions of the tanks may be from 9 feet up to 184 feet in diameter and from 8 feet to 120 feet in height.
- Tools utilized in tank erection are impact wrenches, standard wrenches, pins, hammers, scaffolding, gin poles, and safety harnesses. You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Boiler Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Foundation
- Any structural work will have to be less than $10,000 or 25% of the total scope of work
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Bridge Construction Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Foundation work
- Pilings
- Carpentry
- Electrical lighting
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Cell Tower Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Erosion Control
- Demolition
- Minor Grading
- Access Road
- Fencing
- Signage
- Landscaping
- Foundations
- Steel Supports
- Tower
- Fire Sprinkler
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Generator
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Heavy Equipment Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Pre-cast concrete burial vault installation
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Concrete Work Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Set the Forms
- Layout
- Batter Boards
- Excavate
- Rebar
- Shoring
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Cooling Tower Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Demolition
- Repair work
- Foundations and supports
- Stairways
- Mechanical equipment
- Water distribution
- Associated accessories
- Electrical
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Drywall, Insulation, Studs & Acoustical Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Insulation
- Studs
- Wood Blocking
- Acoustical Treatments
- Stucco and EIFS
- Exterior Sheathing
- Set Windows and Doors
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an EIFS and Stucco Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Pre-manufactured Stone Veneer
- Installed to Manufacturer Guidelines
- Hard or Synthetic Stucco
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Environmental Remediation Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Landfills
- Hazardous Material Removal
- Encapsulation of Materials
- Demolition
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Finish Carpentry Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Interior Finish Work
- Trim work
- Cabinetry
- Setting Interior Doors
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Greenhouse Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Pre-Manufactured Structures
- Grading
- Plumbing
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Industrial Specialty Work Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Demolition
- Repair work
- Foundations and supports
- Stairways and Platforms
- Mechanical equipment
- Process equipment
- Process piping
- Process utility equipment, piping, and ducting
- Retaining walls, slabs, and dikes for equipment or piping
- Insulation and heat tracing installed on equipment or piping
- Instrumentation, controls, control wiring and power wiring for equipment or piping
- Water distribution
- Associated accessories
- Electrical
- Conveyors Air and gas piping to mechanical equipment
- Structural steel and supports associated with equipment or piping
- Process exhaust ductwork for connection to mechanical equipment
- Fall Protection Equipment, which includes:
- Demolition
- Foundations and supports
- Stairways and platforms
- Mechanical equipment to operate the equipment
- Associated accessories
- Electrical
- Structural frameworks and canopies over the equipment
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Industrial Tanks Specialty Contractor:
- Installation, removal, or relocation of storage tanks.
- Any miscellaneous electrical, plumbing, HVAC, structural pad, or foundation work that would be required to support the tanks.
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Internal Floating Covers and Aluminum Geodesic Domes Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Engineer and install aluminum and stainless-steel cover solutions for Odor Control, Emissions Reduction, Product Quality Attainment and Security in Potable and Wastewater applications.
- Manufacture Geodesic Domes, Flat Panels and Internal Floating Roofs for petroleum, municipal and industrial applications.
- Conversion of an existing External Floating Roof Tank to a Covered Floating Roof Tank
- A maintenance-free Dome Roof for new tanks.
- Replace existing corroded steel fixed roofs to eliminate maintenance issues.
- Column free roof for new tank construction.
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Kitchen and Bath Designer/Installer Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Definition: “not at risk” means that the specialty party shall not be contractually responsible to an owner for the performance or cost of actual construction.
- Design and space use drawings, configurations and plans for kitchens, baths, excluding any design of load bearing support or structural beams or the structural integrity of the real property.
- Design configurations and specifications for cabinetry, countertops, fixtures, storage, furniture and furnishings, hardware, appliances, and equipment (including new technology)
- Design selection, consultation, and advise of installation of backsplashes, wall treatments and floor treatments, millwork, trim work, and finish work.
- Design, selection, consultation and advise of venting, lighting design and reflective ceiling plans, provided specialty work is independent of actual construction such that the specialty designer/installer is not “at risk.”
- Design and space drawings, configurations and plans for electrical, heating and air conditioning systems provided specialty work is independent of actual construction such that the specialty designer/installer is not “at risk” and the construction work sis performed by a licensed person as may be required by applicable law under O.C.G.A. § 43-14.
- Consultation, advise and review involving plan implementation and designs on behalf of owner, provided specialty work is independent of actual construction such that he specialty designer/installer is not “at risk.”
- General project administration advice and consultation (excluding management of actual construction), quality review and consultation on behalf of owner, provided specialty work is independent of actual construction such that the specialty designer/installer is not “at risk.”
- Management and oversight of installation of cabinetry, countertops, appliances and other kitchen and bath equipment; provided such items are actually installed by the manufacturer, distributor or retailer of such product or the in-house or independent qualified installers, approved or certified by such manufacturer, distributor or retailer.
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
Residential or general contractor license not required. All work shall be completed in compliance with all applicable national, state, and local codes and ordinances.
Basic weatherization and energy efficiency related repairs to existing residences in programs authorized by federal, state and local-funded weatherization and energy efficiency improvement assistance programs such as those contracted, governed or authorized through agencies including, but not limited to, the Department of Energy (DOE). These programs are designed to be implemented by 501(c)(3) non-profit entities and government agencies in connection with assistance to low-income persons and families which are managed and substantially paid for by the government programs and through grants and similar assistance to the non-profit entities but are not significantly paid for or managed by low-income persons and families. For-profit entities are excluded from this category.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Low-Income Weatherization and Energy-Efficiency Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Energy audits
- Weatherization caulking and sealing
- Waterproofing
- Damp proofing
- House wrapping
- Wood Blocking
- Acoustical Treatments
- Exterior Sheathing – repair only
- Repair/replace windows and doors – may not do any structural work or modifications to structure
- Repair and re-roof existing roofs - may not do any structural work or modifications to structure
- Interior Finish and Trim
- Repair work relating to siding, stucco, and other exterior finishes as necessary - may not do any structural work or modifications to structure
All work listed above must be completed by employees of the company that’s contracted to do low-income weatherization and energy efficiency work.
- Insulation
- Plumbing (through licensed professional pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 43-14)
- HVAC (through licensed professional pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 43-14)
- Electrical (through licensed professional pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 43-14)
O.C.G.A. § 43-41-17(f) reads in part: The specialty contractor otherwise exempted from license requirements under this chapter may perform work for an owner that would otherwise require a license under this chapter where the total scope of the work to be performed is predominantly of the type for which such specialty contractor is duly recognized as exempt under this subsection by the board, provided that such other work involved is incidental to and an integral part of the exempt work performed by the specialty contractor and does not exceed the greater of $10,000.00 or 25 percent of the total value at the time of contracting of the work to be performed.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Classroom Trailer Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor grading
- Electrical power supply
- LAN cabling
- Trailer supports
- Ramps and Walkways
- Other related utilities and accessories
- Such temporary or classroom trailers would include any pre-engineered, prefabricated buildings, excluding single and multi-family housing.
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Masonry Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Stone
- Brick
- Pavers
- Rebar
- Grouting
- Stucco
- Pre-Cast Architectural
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by an Outdoor Environment Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor Grading
- Erosion Control
- Retaining Walls
- Excavation
- Electrical Grounding, Lighting and Equipment
- Plumbing related to Pool Circulation and Drains
- Yard Drains
- Concrete Walls and Reinforcing Steel
- Shotcrete
- Pool Liners
- Masonry
- Concrete and Architectural Decks on Grade
- Pool Equipment
- Landscape and Irrigation
- Fencing
- Fireplaces
- Arbors
- Outdoor Kitchens
- Related Site Equipment
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Parks and Recreation Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Trails
- Non-Occupied Structures
- Grading
- Walkways
- Restroom and Stadiums
- Pre-manufactured Equipment
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Pre-manufactured Metal Canopy Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Concrete Work
- Electrical
- Metal Carport Covers
- Metal Patio Covers Storage Buildings (250 square feet or less)
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Racking Systems Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Design plan view layout
- Design elevation views of storage racks
- Manufacturer of storage racks to supply pre-engineered materials to support the pallet and/or carton loads
- Manufacturer of storage racks to be compliant to the latest RMI (Rack Manufacturers Institute) specifications. The following is a link regarding RMI information:
- Provide seismic calculations and stamped drawing when applicable for Rack Permit
- Mechanical installation
- Demolition
- Repair Work
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Railroad Related Construction Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Related sitework/minor grading
- Layout and engineering
- New track and turnout construction
- Rehabilitate existing track
- Maintenance contracts
- 24 hour emergency repair service
- Track removal and salvage
- Switch point-frog and thermite welding
- Road crossing installation and repair
- Contract tamping and surfacing
- Contract cross tie replacement – rail relaying
- Ditching with Hy-Rail Gradall and dump truck
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Refrigeration (not free standing) Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Demolition
- Repair work
- Foundations and supports
- Mechanical equipment
- Water distribution
- Associated accessories
- Electrical
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Remediation Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Waterproofing
- Damp proofing
- Painting
- Sandblasting
- Caulking and Sealing
- Masonry Tiebacks Water Blasting
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Re-Roofing Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Rooftop Equipment
- Demolition
- Remediation
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Rough Carpentry Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Framing Floors, Walls, and Ceilings
- Setting Windows and Doors
- House wrapping
- Roof Felting
- Roof Systems
- Trusses
- Sheathing
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Sewage Pump Station Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor grading
- Structures necessary for housing pumps
- Demolition
- Repair work
- Stairways and Platforms
- Mechanical equipment
- Water distribution
- Associated accessories
- Electrical
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Siding and Cornice Work Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Replacing Windows
- House wrapping
- No structural alterations allowed
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Signage Contractor Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Electronic signage
- Non-illuminated sign
- Pylons
- Monuments
- Directional/way finding
- Concrete pores
- Masonry and brick
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Sitework Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Layout and Engineering
- Erosion Control and Tree Protection
- Clearing
- Rough Grading and Finish Grading
- Storm Sewer
- Sanitary Sewer
- Fire and Domestic Water
- Shoring
- Fix Retaining Walls
- Curb and Gutter
- Roads and Walks
- Electrical Lighting
- Striping and Signs
- Grassing
- Lift Stations
- Explosives for demolition upon approval of The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- Explosive deslagging
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Streetscape Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor Grading
- Concrete
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Curb and Gutters
- On Grade Slabs
- Prefabricated Seating
- Landscaping
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Substations Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Staking and layout of station
- Chain link fencing
- Foundations (drilled piers and flat slab)
- Conduit
- Precise cable trench
- Grounding grid
- Steel erection
- Glass insulators
- Switches
- Aluminum and copper bus
- Control cable
- Gravel spreading
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Synthetic Sports Turf Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Complete excavation of organic/existing materials, approximately 8” below finished height of an existing track
- Laser grade the subgrade to .5% to 1% slope from the middle of the field
- Installation of perimeter drain line, typically tied into the existing drop inlets
- Installation of a geotextile fabric over the subgrade and perimeter drain
- Installation of a flat panel drainage system Installation of a recessed curb to provide proper means for turf attachment
- Installation of a clan stone base in two layers Installation of synthetic turf system (synthetic turf and infill)
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Tennis Court Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor Grading
- Asphalt or Clay Courts
- Fencing
- Electrical Lighting
- Nets, Posts and Tennis Accessories
- Striping and Marking Grassing
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.
The following are allowable categories of work which may be completed or coordinated by a Turf, Track and Field Limited Service Specialty Contractor:
- Minor Grading
- Sport Surfacing
- Sports Equipment
- Electrical
- Signage
- Pre-manufactured Bleachers
You may be required to hold a contractor license if your company exceeds this scope of work.