About the Georgia Auctioneers Commission

The Georgia Auctioneers Commission enforces standards for the licensing of auction companies, auctioneers, and auctioneer schools. These standards maintain the qualifications for entry into the profession, including experience, examination, and training, and the qualifications for continued licensure, including ongoing education. The Commission evaluates applicants for licensure, issues and renews licenses, evaluates the practice of licensees, takes disciplinary action against licensees who fail to maintain professional standards, and enforces the requirements for licensure to ensure public confidence in the industry. The Georgia Auctioneers Commission is comprised of six members who are appointed by the Governor. Five members are licensed auctioneers, and one is a consumer member with no connection to the practice or profession of auctioneering.

Commission Members

Perry Walden, Chair

Larry "Bo" Benton, Jr. 

Kim Hagen

Stephen Burton

Patty Brown

Al Lawson – Consumer


Executive Director
Brad Coman

Commission Meetings

More information on Board Meetings and Events can be found on the Auctioneers Commission events page.