About the Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners
About The Board
The Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners is a six-member board appointed by the Governor to protect, promote, and preserve the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. The Board is composed of five licensed, practicing chiropractors and one consumer member. The Board reviews applications, licenses qualified applicants, and regulates the practice of licensees throughout the state. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. Board meetings, which are held approximately six times each year, are held at the Secretary of State’s office in Macon and are open to the public. Persons wishing to bring matters for the Board’s consideration should submit a written request to the office.
Board Members
Dr. Andy Krantz, D.C. - President
Dr. Robert Alpert, D.C. - Vice President
Doug Hollandsworth, Consumer Member
Dr. Norman T. Eng, D.C.
Dr. Mary Watkins, D.C.
Dr. David Wren, D.C
Executive Director
Laurie Elander
Board Meetings
More information on Board Meetings and Events can be found on the Chiropractors Board Events page.