About The State Election Board
State Election Board
The cornerstone of any democracy is a citizen’s exercise of their right to vote—to select their leaders, policymakers, and administrators. In some cases, it is a vote to support a new statute, a policy initiative, to amend the state constitution and, in rare cases, to remove a person from public office. In Georgia, it is deciding who will serve as members of our judiciary. Voting is, indeed, the most fundamental act of citizenship and public voting sets the foundation upon which cities, counties, states and the national government are empowered to function. In short, voting is an essential and precious right. Those who choose to participate in the voting process do so because voting is something they value. Voting is the citizen’s voice in their government.
The State Election Board is an important part of the election process. It is entrusted with a wide variety of responsibilities and authority regarding the protection of the precious right to cast a ballot. They include:
- Promulgating rules and regulation to promote uniformity in election practices, and to promote legality and purity in elections;
- Investigating the administration of elections and frauds and to report findings to the Attorney General or responsible district attorneys;
- Making recommendations to the General Assembly regarding elections;
- Developing rules and regulations about what constitutes a vote that will be counted;
- Educating the public about voting and offering voting education programs; and,
- Taking such other action as the board may deem appropriate to conduct “fair, legal and orderly elections”.
“Fair, legal and orderly elections” are the Board’s watch words for our service to the people of Georgia. We are committed to the highest standards of integrity in our service to our state and its citizens and all matters related to the election process. These are the values to which we commit.
The State Election Board Code of Conduct is intended to serve as a guide for the conduct of State Election Board Members (“Member(s))”. The Code of Conduct presents specific ethical principles to guide Members in their responsibilities and actions while serving on the State Election Board (“SEB”). The Code of Conduct shall not supplant the Georgia Constitution, the Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest requirements in Chapter 10 of Title 45 in the Georgia Code, or any provision of Title 21 in the Georgia Code related to the SEB.
1. Members shall be honest, fair, and avoid any appearance of conflict and/or impropriety.
2. A Member is expected not to participate in any matter or proceeding before the SEB, including participation in debate and discussion of a matter, under the following circumstances:
a. Member serves on the campaign committee for a respondent, complainant, or witness;
b. Member has made a public endorsement of the candidacy of a respondent, complainant, or witness;
c. Member has made a financial contribution, an in-kind contribution, and/or provided personal services to a candidate who has qualified for a primary or election under the Georgia Election Code, previous candidate, or officeholder who is a respondent, complainant, or witness;
d. Member’s employer or any entity in which the Member holds an equity and/or economic interest has made a financial contribution, made an in-kind contribution, or provided any personal or professional services to a respondent, complainant, or witness;
e. Any matter in which a Member has made a financial contribution, in-kind contribution or contribution of personal or professional services to any organization covered under O.C.G.A. § 21-5-3 (defined as candidates, campaign committees, connected organizations, independent committee, or political action committee) and such organization or employee thereof is a respondent, complainant, or witness; or
f. Member’s parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law is a respondent, complainant, or witness.
3. No Member shall participate in the consideration or adoption of rules or amendments thereof that affect the actual ballot for an election on which the Member’s name appears.
4. Members should not serve as a poll watcher for a particular candidate or a political organization in a primary, election, or special election.
5. Members should not serve as a poll manager in a primary, election, or special election
6. These rules shall apply prospectively and shall not in any way limit, diminish, or impair the statutory responsibilities and obligations of the Secretary of State as the Chief Election Officer.
Board Members
Mrs. Janelle King, Member
Appointed by:
Georgia House of Representatives on May 17, 2024
Contact The State Election Board
2 MLK Jr. Drive
Suite 802 Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Phone: 470-312-2715
2 MLK Jr. Drive
Suite 802 Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334