Military and Overseas Voting
Military and Overseas Voters
Your Georgia voting rights extend all over the globe. Voting in elections away from your home county is easy and efficient. If you are in the military or in the family of an active service member, or if you are living in another country, you are subject to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).
You can get your ballots electronically or by regular mail. Remember to include a valid email address on the application when requesting electronic ballot delivery, which is only available for federal elections.
Contact us at [email protected]
Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request
Use the Federal Post Card Application to register to vote and to request absentee ballots. Even if you are already registered to vote, you should use it to request absentee ballots. You can make one request to get absentee ballots for every election through the next general election.
Complete, sign, and submit the form to your County Elections Office as an email attachment, via fax or by U.S. mail.
Download the Federal Post Card Application>>
Emergency Ballots (FWAB) and Instant Runoff Ballots
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot is an emergency blank ballot that should only be used in the event a UOCAVA voter does not receive a properly requested absentee ballot. Submission deadlines are the same as other ballots.
An instant runoff ballot will be sent in conjunction with a requested Primary and General Election Ballot. The ballot will allow voters to rank the candidates. UOCAVA voters are encouraged to vote the instant runoff ballot and return the Primary or General Election Ballot and Runoff Ballot in SEPARATE envelopes at the same time to your county elections office.
Both the general election and instant runoff ballot envelopes can be mailed in a single outer mailing envelope to your county election office NOTE: each ballot should include a completed and signed voter oath and place the primary or general ballot in a SEPARATE envelope than the runoff ballot and mail to your county elections office. Both ballots (in separate sealed envelopes and identified, i.e., Primary Ballot with date of primary or Runoff Ballot with date of runoff) can be enclosed into a single outer mailing envelope and mailed to your county elections office. The size of the ballot page, the number of pages submitted, and size of the envelope(s) does not matter and will not impact acceptance of your ballot if otherwise proper.
Voting Your Ballot
1. Mark your choices on the ballot with a black or blue pen.
- Completely fill in the oval next to the name of the candidate you wish to vote for or the response you wish to give to a question (if applicable).
- To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, follow the directions on the ballot for casting a write-in vote. Write-in votes are not allowed in primary elections or runoffs.
2. If you make an error or otherwise ruin the ballot, IMMEDIATELY contact your county board of registrars or the municipal absentee ballot clerk, whichever applies, to receive a replacement. No replacement can be mailed on the day prior to a primary or election.
3. After voting your ballot, enclose it in a plain envelope and seal. Be sure the ink is dry before folding the ballot and placing it in the envelope.
4. Complete the oath accompanying the ballot. Place the completed oath and the sealed envelope into a larger envelope and seal. Failure to complete and sign the oath will cause your ballot to be rejected.
5. You may return the ballot in a blank envelope that you affix the proper postage to or in a postage-paid envelope that you print. Be sure to add the return address in your county.
- A postage-paid envelope can be used if mailed in the U.S. Postal System, which includes all U.S. military post offices overseas (APO/FPO) or through the diplomatic pouch available at U.S. embassies and consulates. Affix appropriate postage if using international mail.
- Write the words “Official Absentee Ballot” on the outer envelope.
6. All ballots postmarked by the date of the primary, election, or runoff will be counted if received within three days of Election Day.
7. The ballot will not be accepted if it is returned by facsimile or email.