Time: 8:30 AM
Location: Savannah Rapids Pavilion , 3300 Evans to Locks Road, Martinez, GA 30907
FIN FIT: Fearless Fundraising for Small Businesses

Fearless Fundraising for Small Businesses

The Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is excited to announce the fourth live FIN FIT (Financial Fitness) event on Thursday, October 26, at 8:30am-12:30pm located at the Savannah Rapids Pavilion Ballroom in Martinez, GA. This event is free and open to all Georgians. Free continental breakfast and workbook included in registration.

Our panelists will discuss how to fearlessly raise capital to finance your small business as well as discuss the details of the Invest Georgia Exemption (IGE). IGE can be a powerful tool for Georgians looking to raise capital and fund their new venture or just grow their already thriving business. Our workshop portion will cover the topics of developing your fundraising goals, preparing your fundraising package, what to consider before you say yes, and managing your investor relationships for continued success and sustainability. A free workbook is included with our hands-on workshop.

Register FREE today >>

Program Schedule

8:30 am-9:00 amRegistration & continental breakfast served
9:00 am-9:10 amWelcome message from GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
9:10 am-10:50 amPanel discussion & audience Q&A
10:50 am-11:00 amTransition to LABS
11:00 am-12:25 amIGE LABS 1 & 2: 
• Developing your fundraising goals
• Preparing your fundraising package
• What to consider before you say yes
• You’ve raised! Managing your investor relationships for continued success and sustainability
12:25 pm-12:30 pmClosing statements
12:30 pmProgram concludes

Register FREE today >>




2 MLK Jr Dr SE
Ste 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334