Broker-Dealer [O.C.G.A. § 10-5-30]
Broker-Dealers must file electronically through the Central Registration Depository (CRD) system operated by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). For questions about FINRA, please call the Gateway Call Center at 240-386-4848.
How To Register
Through CRD:
- Form BD
- Application fee of $255.00. See O.C.G.A. § 10-5-39.
- When a firm pays the registration fee through FINRA, the Georgia Securities Division analyst assigned to the firm’s registration application will contact you.
- Submit any other information requested by the Commissioner to the Commissioner of the Securities Division.
The following documents and information must be emailed to the Securities Division at [email protected]. They cannot be submitted through the CRD system.
- Please submit a balance sheet prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, reflecting the financial condition of the applicant as of a date not more than 90 days prior to the date of such filing. An independent certified public accountant or independent public accountant should prepare the balance sheet, or the balance sheet must have a sworn statement attestation of the applicant’s principal financial officer that is notarized and shall certify as follows:
I am the principal financial officer of (name of dealer). The accompanying balance sheet has been prepared under my direction and control and presents fairly its financial position on the dates indicated to the best of my knowledge, belief, and ability.
(Signature block with Title)
- Provide a copy of articles of incorporation, articles of organization, partnership agreement, trust agreement, articles of association, and/or other documents, which indicate the form of organization, certified by the appropriate jurisdiction or by an officer or partner of the applicant. You can email these documents to referenced contact information above, by attaching the documents in PDF format only.
- Please provide the designated person’s name and CRD number.
Expiration and Renewal
Unless renewed, all broker-dealer firm registrations (regardless of when permitted in the calendar year) expire on December 31st of each calendar year. The renewal fee is $105.00. Renewals should be submitted through CRD prior to expiration of registration.
FINRA publishes instructions on CRD renewal during the fall prior to expiration. If you do not receive instructions from FINRA regarding the renewal process during the fall of the year prior to expiration, you should contact the FINRA Gateway Call Center at (301) 869-6699 or the Georgia Securities Division at 404-656-2817.
Please be advised: Failure to renew by December 31st will result in termination of your registration in Georgia. The Securities Division will NOT send out separate renewal notices to remind registrants of the renewal process.
2 MLK Jr Dr SE
Ste 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Related Resources
- Online Resource FINRA Broker Check
- Online Resource Investment Advisor Lookup
- Web Page Investor Education and Protection Resources
- Web Page Military Families Financial Field Manual
- Web Page Registering and Notice Filing a Securities Offering
- Web Page Investor & Financial Literacy Guide
Contact the Securities Division
2 MLK Jr Dr SE
Ste 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334