Time: 6:00 PM
One-Stop Shop:
SOS Licensing, Corporations, Securities/Charities

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office is your one-stop shop for small business.

Corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships in Georgia are formed by filing with the Corporations Division. The Licensing Division handles applying for, renewing, and printing your licensePlus, provides administrative support to the 42 licensing boards housed with our agency. The Securities Division regulates securities activity statewide and protects against investment fraud and promotes financial literacy. The Charities Division will help you with starting, registering, renewing, expired/reinstating, withdrawing or amending your charitable organization.

The Division Directors of SOS Licensing, Corporation, and Securities/Charities, will provide details about their division and walk you through the sos.ga.gov website for all of your small business needs.

Register FREE today (link https://sos.ga.gov/page/she-leads-webinar-registration




2 MLK Jr Dr SE
Ste 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334