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Late Renewal Period Information

January 15th, 2016

If you submitted your application for license renewal and your license status is “Active-Renewal Pending” you may continue to practice until a final decision has been made regarding your renewal application [O.C.G.A. §50-13-18(b)].  If your license renewal application is not completed by February 29, 2016, the license will lapse and you will be required to reinstate your license to practice in the State of Georgia.

Please note that all renewal documentation must be submitted by the end of the late renewal period on February 29, 2016.  Any documents received/postmarked after that date will not be reviewed, the license will be lapsed and the licensee will be required to complete the reinstatement process.

If your license status is “Active-Renewal Pending” and you believe you have complied with all license renewal requirements please contact the Professional Licensing Boards Division call center at 844-753-7825 and select Option One.

Please click here to begin the license renewal process.



The licensee has submitted a license renewal application; however, either the licensee is required to submit additional documentation or the Board is reviewing the information to make a final decision regarding the license renewal application.  O.C.G.A. §50-13-18(b) allows licensees to continue to practice with a license status of “Active-Renewal Pending.”


The licensee did not submit a license renewal application prior to January 31, 2016.  The license has lapsed and the licensee is prohibited from practicing in the State of Georgia.  The licensee may renew the license during the late renewal period which ends February 29, 2016.  If the license is not renewed prior to the end of the late renewal period, the license status will change to “Lapsed” and the licensee will be required to complete the reinstatement process.


Contact the Licensing Division


237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, Georgia 31217-3858

Service Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm