About the Board

The Georgia Board of Hearing Aid Dealers and Dispensers a seven-member board appointed by the Governor to protect, promote, and preserve the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. The Board is composed of four licensed, practicing hearing aid dispensers, a licensed medical doctor, a licensed audiologist, and a consumer member. The Board reviews applications administer examinations, licenses qualified applicants and dealerships and regulates the practice of licensees throughout the state.

Board Members

Chair 2021
Ralph T. Jackson, Jr.

Vice-Chair 2021
Jason Murphy

Dr. Donald N. Cote, M.D. 

Sandi Darby-Bowling

Kadyn Ochs Williams, Au.D.

Gwen Cantrell

William L Herndon, Consumer Member


Executive Director
Amanda Allen


Board Meetings

More information on Board Meetings and Events can be found on the Hearing Aid Dealers and Dispensers Board Events page.

Professional Associations
