Starting Your Financial Future Booklet

Making Informed Decisions When Starting Your New Job

Starting your financial future cover image

The Secretary of State is committed to providing resources to empower Georgians to make important decisions on saving, investing and growing their wealth.

The Secretary of State is making available Starting Your Financial Future Booklet: Making Informed Decisions When Starting Your New Job.

When you start a new job, learning the culture of your new workplace, not to mention getting up to speed on the work you’ll be doing, can be intimidating. This booklet will provide helpful insights into understanding your paycheck, filing out W4 forms, opening a new account, choosing a health insurance plan, choosing a plan to fund your future, saving and spending, repaying and managing debt, and smart investing.

Download Starting Your Financial Future Booklet-English>>

Download Starting Your Financial Future Booklet-Spanish>>


For a physical copy, please email us your request and contact information to [email protected] or call 470-312-2640.



2 MLK Jr Dr SE
Ste 317, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334