How To Apply

You Must Be Approved To Sit For The Exam

Before the applicant may sit for the exam, the applicant must first meet the requirements for licensure in Georgia.  

To establish licensure requirements are met, the applicant must submit a complete application with all required supporting documents. The Board(s) will review these materials.  

When the Board is satisfied the individual meets all requirements, the Board will send notification of this approval to the applicant via email. This email will describe next steps the applicant must take to register for the examination.

After you Apply – What to Expect

  • Processing Time – Applications are processed in the order in which they are received.
    • If you receive a deficiency letter, please submit all requested items at one time, as soon as possible, to prevent processing delays.
    • Please Note – Incomplete applications may be withdrawn if noted deficiencies are not satisfied within 60 days of said notification. If your application is withdrawn, you will be required to restart the application process to be considered for licensure, to include submission of all required documents and fees. 
    • Completed applications will be initially reviewed by Board staff and may be reviewed by the Board at an upcoming Board Meeting. Applications must be complete and received at least 15 days prior to a Board Meeting to be added to that meeting’s agenda. Otherwise, the application will be reviewed at the next Board meeting.
  • Check Application Status >>
  • Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date
    • Be sure the email address you include for yourself on your application is correct and current. Email is the primary means of communication used by the Board.  
    • Additionally, it is important for applicants/licensees to update their email address with the Board just as they would update their physical and mailing addresses.

Disability Accommodations

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Public Law 101-336), the Professional Licensing Boards Division provides for reasonable accommodations by designated vendors for exam candidates with disabilities that may interfere with their performance on a Licensure Examination.  

Applicants may request an accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act by submitting an application and all supporting documentation to the respective Board and/or a designated vendor as instructed on this form>>

Veteran’s Preference Points

Veterans, military service members, transitioning service members and military spouses of the armed forces of the United States, including the National Guard, may be eligible for exam point credits and/or expedited application processes. Download program information>>

  • If you are claiming Veteran’s Preference Points, you must enclose a copy of your DD-214 form, showing that you served during a period of conflict or war for a minimum of 90 days. Contact the VA to request make a DD-214 Request >>


Initial licensure application




Late renewal


Reinstatement (if inactive for more than five years)


Inactive status

No fee

Reactivation of an Inactive status license (if inactive for less than five years)


Decorative wall certificate


Verification of license


Duplicate license card


Processing Fees - Effective 3/15/2022

  • Online processing fee: $5.00

MSW Licensure by Examination

If you have never been licensed before and have never taken and passed the required MSW national licensure examination, and you meet all the requirements for licensure as a Master Social Worker, choose...

MSW Licensure by Exam Waiver

If you have never been licensed before and have already taken and passed the required MSW national licensure examination and meet all the requirements for licensure as a Master Social Worker, choose...


If you have previously held this license and it has lapsed, expired, or is revoked, you may apply for Reinstatement of the license.

Inactive Status

If you hold a current, unencumbered license and do not intend to practice in Georgia and therefore do not intend to use the title Master Social Worker, you may request the license be placed in “Inactive” status...

Reactivation Of An Inactive Status License

A person who has requested their professional license be placed in inactive status may apply to reactivate their license...


Master Social Work licenses expire every two years on September 30th of even numbered years.

How to File

To file online:

Once your checklist is completed, please create an account and upload all documents through the online portal.

To file by mail:

Call 404-424-9966 and request a paper renewal coupon be mailed to you. When completed, please mail the renewal coupon, the required fee, and any supporting documents to: 

Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists 
237 Coliseum Drive 
Macon, Georgia 31217 

  • After renewing online or by mail, CHECK your license expiration date online to assure the renewal was completed. 


Group 20

Related Resources

Contact Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists