Temporary Permits For New Nursing Graduates
An applicant for licensure by examination who has graduated from a Board-approved nursing education program since December 1, 2019, may be issued temporary permits for licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses.
* The Governor has extended the State of Emergency to February 25, 2022. These temporary permits now have an expiration date of April 26, 2022.
How Do I Verify Someone's Temporary Permit?
To verify a temporary permit for graduate nurses or graduate practical nurses please visit www.nursys.com and use the Quick Confirm License Verification.
How To Apply
- An applicant for licensure by examination who has graduated from a Board approved nursing education program since December 1, 2019, may be issued a temporary permit to practice as a graduate nurse (GN) or graduate practical nurse (GPN) pending the results of the licensing examination.
- A temporary permit may be issued to an applicant who has submitted all required documentation for licensure and has been issued an authorization to test. Applicants are not required to submit a separate application for a temporary permit.
- A temporary permit to practice as a GN or GPN will not be issued to any applicant who has previously failed the licensing examination.
The GN or GPN must immediately inform employers of receipt of notification of failing the examination and cease all practice of nursing. To reestablish testing eligibility, the applicant must submit an application for reexamination as provided in Board Rule 410-2-.04 or 410-2-.07.
The temporary permit to practice as a GN or GPN, which is not renewable, is valid for the duration of the State of Emergency as declared by the Governor and a period of not more than 60 days thereafter, or upon receipt of a notice of failing the examination from the Board, whichever date is the earliest.
- The new graduate who has been issued a temporary permit to practice nursing as a GN or GPN pending the results of the licensing examination must work under the direct supervision of either a licensed practical or a registered professional nurse if a GPN or a registered professional nurse only if a GN, who is physically present in the facility or practice setting and who is readily available to the GN or GPN for consultation and assistance. If the facility is organized into multiple units that are geographically distanced from each other, then the supervising nurse must be working on the same unit to which the GN or GPN is assigned. The GN or GPN shall not be placed in supervisory or charge positions and shall not work in independent practice settings.
- The nurse administrator of facilities that employ Graduate Nurses or Graduate Practical Nurses must ensure that the GN or GPN has a valid temporary authorization to practice as a GN or GPN pending the results of the licensing examination, has scheduled a date to take the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN, and does not continue to practice after expiration of the temporary permit or receipt of a notice of failing the examination from the Board, whichever date is earlier.
An applicant for licensure by examination who has graduated from a Board approved nursing education program since December 1, 2019, may be issued a temporary permit to practice as a graduate nurse (GN) or graduate practical nurse (GPN) pending the results of the licensing examination.
Use the following instructions to ensure that your application for licensure by examination is processed as efficiently as possible:
- Georgia law requires applicants for licensure as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse to complete a criminal background check. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations has contracted with Gemalto/GAPS to provide background check services to applicants for licensure. Applicants should submit their application prior to registering for a criminal background check. Background check results are available for only 30 days after completed for staff's review. Please click here for detailed instructions for registration with Gemalto.
- Register with Pearson Vue at least forty-eight hours prior to applying for licensure. This ensures that NCLEX registration information is available when the application is processed. Applicants also need to register using their legal name as documented on the form of identification that will be presented for entrance to the testing center.
- Carefully read the question regarding previous arrests. The question specifically asks if you have ever been arrested. It is important for you to answer “yes” to this question if you have previously been arrested. Applicants should answer “yes” even if the charges were dismissed, expunged, reduced, etc. Falsifying this question (whether intentionally or not) will result in increased processing time and may result in a Board order and fine.
- Include an accurate email address with your application. Email is the primary means of communication for the Board. Additionally, it is important for applicants/licensees to update their email address with the Board just as they would update their physical and mailing addresses.
- Using the same name is important! Use the same name when applying for licensure and when you register with Pearson Vue. Also, make sure your nursing education program submits your graduation information using the name included on your application. Processing delays occur when application, registration and graduation information are not consistent.
- Include your date of birth when completing the online application. This information is used in conjunction with your last name to match proof of graduation with the appropriate application.
- Recent changes to Georgia law require all applicants to submit secure and verifiable documentation (SVD) regarding United States citizenship (U.S. Passport, driver’s license or qualified alien documentation) as well as an affidavit of citizenship. This information should be uploaded through the Board's website when you submit your online application. If you are unable to upload the documents, fax the information to 877-371-5712 or email it to [email protected]. DO NOT SEND multiple copies of individual documents.
- Download and complete the GBON Criminal Background Check Release Form. Then upload the document through the Board's website when you submit your online application. If you are unable to upload the document you may submit that form by fax to 877-371-5712 or by email to [email protected]. DO NOT SEND multiple copies of individual documents.
- Graduates of Georgia nursing education programs are not required to send a paper copy of their official transcript. This information is provided electronically by your nursing education program.
Once you have completed the above steps you may submit your online application for licensure by examination.
There is currently no fee for Temporary Permit applications.
Related Resources
- Online Resource Georgia Nurses Association