About the Board

The State Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) consists of five divisions: Division of Conditioned Air Contractors, Division of Electrical Contractors, Division of Low Voltage Contractors, Division of Master and Journeyman Plumbers, and Division of Utility Contractors. The full CILB board meets twice a year, and each Division sets its meeting schedule.  The Board members are appointed by the Governor to serve a term of four years and serve to protect the public against faulty construction installations through the licensing of contractors. 

Board Members

Chief Conditioned Air County Inspector (Division Chairman)
Johnny Lyons

Non-Restricted Contractor
Michael Wayne Brown

Non-Restricted Contractor
Chip Greene

Non-Restricted Contractor
Elaine Powers

Mechanical Engineer
James Martin Ford

Consumer (State Construction Industry Licensing Board Consumer Board Member)
Mitch McEwen

Consumer (State Construction Industry Licensing Board Consumer Board Member)
Mark Herbert


Executive Director
La Trenda Tyler-Jones

Board Meetings

More information on Board Meetings and Events can be found on the Conditioned Air Contractors Board Events page.